Tuesday, June 25, 2019

If I had Orange Hair

If I had orange hair . . .

Cfalaicos Short Red Orange Cosplay Wig with Free Wig Cap
Cfalaicos Short Red Orange Cosplay Wig

Several times these past weeks I've sported orange hair: a swingy, multi-layered, wig, alternate to the 1920's chin-length black bob of my real hair. I like the "otherness" the subtly different responses to people and things it brings; allowing a peek into other replys to the world, to myself. With the exception of one person, everyone I know liked it. One person I've known for years noticed I had freckles.

Incognito. The word brings to mind mood Bossa Nova: big black sunglasses, slouchy straw hat, white dress with red poppies-- eyes peering over the top of the dark shades; mellow, a little cheeky, a mischievous confidence. Think René Russo opposite Pierce Brosnan in the Thomas Crown Affair.

In orange hair I take off my blinders and let myself see, notice, explore what isn't usually on my menu; say hello to what looses me from my inner corsets into breezy chiffon and naked daring, skinny-dipping in the surf--fully engaging what undoes me into a flight of birds.

I've tried on many me's along the trail. One time a sales person recommended my trying on something I would never have selected myself. I had a lot of fun "trying out" the alternate persona looking back at me from the dressing room mirror. Some of her is still with me.

At a business dinner, surveying the room, I knew no one there. How freeing!--cut loose from others pre conceptions, and my own. I walked off the map into the undiscovered country. I didn't betray myself, just found more of me.

Another time, during an intimidating phone call with law-wielding attorney's, I stood atop a chair, unseen, none-the-less, changing the balance of power in that  conversation. It worked; I was bigger than they were; at least taller!

Next time you go shopping, don't just try on different clothes, try on different postures, gestures, facial expressions, 'tudes. On the way to your favorite clothier, take a new route, pop a Bossa Nova disc in the car player! Try on orange hair; you might meet a you you'd like to know.

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