Thursday, May 23, 2024

Right Timing and Following Those Breadcrumbs

Right Timing: There's those breadcrumbs, again. Breadcrums are those 'sparkles in the dust, the fireflies threading through the orchard of our lives,' that raise up our energy, our intrigue, our curiosity--that set our hearts to thumping, to tapping our toes, humming, feeling juicy and glad to be alive, and it may, or may not, coordinate with what we think should be on the menu at this particular time. 

I dared refusal--real, sacred trust, that I could be authentic, up to and including saying “No” to what I had just poured time, energy, focus, and money. I was free to say “I don't want to do this.” Mean it, and allow it. And, not be guilty about it. 

This allowed me opening to something from another direction, not directly related, that let in a breath of fresh air, that enlivened me, lit me up, turned the juice back on again.

Through this alternate venue energies from 23 years ago, forgotten in the dust of my history, started to swirl, reconnect, threading into the present and weaving together into a fusion of new energy—an infusion of Magic rising up out of this blend.

What “I'm supposed to be doing” is a living, vibrant, being—alive, not static. It is an entity of its own—an anima, an animal-- picture a giant bobcat . . . that fills the entire room. It puts its chin over my shoulder and asks: “Ready to dance?”

Tama Kieves shared on her Life Tribe Zoom meeting last night:  "Impatience is a form of anger [and, I would add, a form of danger ]" - the assumption that the timing is wrong. And, I reworded her second half of that, "Creativity comes from love," to: Creativity comes from welcome--instead of yelling at it for being late!

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