A long ways back, we separated out from trusting our Intuition, the Voice of Mystery--regarding it as an 'unusual,' -- an 'infrequent visitor," rather than as our Partner. Going off on our own, we've become ever hyper-vigilant, unable, for the most part, to enjoy that which is before us, unfurling. We look at sync--being in alignment with things; synchronicity--things coming together, in the right way, at the right time, in the right place--as rare, uncommon, scarce--undependable. Not so.
It only awaits our invitation. And, usually, we don't--invite it. Instead, we struggle, we strain; we plot, we plan, we scheme, we avoid. Any wonder we're tired, exhausted, off-our beam? Invite it! re-Partner with Mystery--not just a few munches--graze on it, swim in it, soak in it.
The three Muses of Mystery--Intuition, Inspiration and Imagination--the bridge to our Creativity awaits our nod, our invite. Open the door of your mind to it, and Life starts to work in unexpected, delicious, validating ways--ways never imagined, anticipated . . .
God arrives this planet through our hands, our eyes--our wonder; our intrigue--through self-EXPRESSION; through our answering what shivers us with anticipation, shimmers our souls with possibility. Give it breath. Give it LIFE: try out "I" words:
Intuit, Inspire, Imagine
Imprint new Impressions onto your awareness
Infuse your possibilities with your Impulses
Interior landscape? You are on the Discovery Channel
Innermost depths--Invest in you and your art; dare
Interest your muse with succulent ideas
Investigate possibilities
Invite your Intuition on a date--
[Let it Introduce you to the rest of your self]
Inflame and quench yearnings
Incite surprise--let it Ignite you
Imbibe the Mystery . . . Tip back your head; drink the rain!