I've got the TINGLE. Tingle-say; tingle-speak. What is that?
We've all stood rapt, at a point, with a resonance that brings goose-bumps to our skin, tingle to our bones: a sense of knowing -- a knowing outside of time and space when something "is for us"--something is right for us -- AND, it is also about timing.
We can know, deep in our bones, that something is "real" for us--something calls out to us--but for some reason or another, it doesn't gel; doesn't come together. We can push at it, plot, plan--and nada--"not at all; nothingness--nothing comes of it. Fizzle.
When that happens, two common, deeply ingrained, acculturated responses to that are either to self-reject, or to blame someone, or something else. We judge ourselves; judge others; the Universe.
However, there's another way of looking at it. Often we have to grow into something--ripen into it; delay isn't that it is not for us; rather that the timing isn't right.
And, it isn't just about us! In any endeavor, their are other players, other sources, juxtapositions of opportunity, that have to be in place. There are other players on our stage of life, and in any particular scene, for us to carry out our role, we are in interdependence with those other players, that might have a different timing than we do before we can come together to carry out into form what TINGLES us.
When something is not the right timing for us, it is not a comment on our worth, our value; does not mean we are unworthy of success, support, God's Grace or things coming together for us.
Our greatest blocks to success, to following the call of our TINGLE, is our own filters. The jaundiced eye, the view of our tinglings as being not trust-able, undependable. AND in so doing, we shut ourselves down into a mediocrity; or a pattern of trying to substitute what we don't really want in place of what we really want, and we perpetuate ourselves into a series of non-fulfillment.
Instead, we can have a different response to that; we can take that temporary "No" not as a slap of dismissal, but rather as "Prep" time; as an opportunity to prepare deeply for what resonates in our bones, for what TINGLES us--that which makes us glad we are alive; that fills us with a sense of gratitude that we are on the earth. That makes us want to be aware and alert instead of numb and dumb.
We can learn to stop filtering out Our Good! -- rather dive into, immerse ourselves, in that which brings pleasure, that which makes our bones sing.
The Universe, a holographic spiritual Internet, is a TINGLE-SEA. All-That-Is, can put any manner of things together for us, to bring us joy, that we wouldn't even know to consider, let alone be able to manipulate into place! LET IT! ALLOW IT!
Allow yourself to TINGLE-SEE into, to swim in the TINGLE-SEA.